Theoretical details:
Rf values and the Pr data in µ-PLC. Rf units versus k = (tm + ts) / tm units. Application for a useful comparison HPLC versus circular PLC. Qualitative µ-PLC by Chemical Reactions
By definition qualitative values in µ-PLC are given as POSITION data. Unit POSITION is named = P The plate center position has the Po value = zero. The mobile phase front has the Pf value = 1.00
The Pr value of a substance s given from the plate center = Ps
Well known and often used in PLC are however LINEAR Rf-data. Their problem is an often falsified (too large) f-value, as the true front is nearly always below the visible front line. Reason: compressed amounts of mobile phase sorb quickly in the stationary phase.
By definition the Rf value for a substance “s” equals the relation of the position measured as distance from start line to peak maximum “s” divided by the length of the mobile phase path from the start to the (true) front “f” thus
Rf = s / f See for this and the following formulas figures 31 to 33 HERE.
Position data into Rf (circular) values: Rf(circ) = (Ps - Po) / ( 1 - Po)
Rf (linear) values are always larger than Rf(circular) values, as
Rf (lin) = (Rf (circ))2
therefore [(Ps-Po) / (1-Po)]2 = Rf (lin)
Application for a HPLC / PLC comparison in critical analytical conditions To correlate PLC values with data based on strictly equal stationary / mobile phase systems in HPLC the partition factor k is used, which correlates with Rf according to k = 1 / Rf - 1 but NOTE: ka(in HPLC) is NOT equal ka (in PLC). We can correctly correlate both ka values with an inter method correlation factor based on the formula
ka (in HPLC) / kb (in HPLC ) = ka (in PLC) / kb (in PLC). From this correct relation we get
ka (in HPLC ) = ka (in PLC) * (kb (in HPLC) / kb (in PLC))
Thus we need two substances, which have differing k values and chemically equal chromatography systems.
HERE is the reason for such theoretical discussions: Let us think of a substance “a” which in HPLC has a ka-value of 30. That means, the retention time of substance “a” is 30 * tm. The HPLC dead time tm may be 2 minutes, so the substance “a” is eluted after 60 minutes. The peak is broad, traces of “a” cannot be detected sensitively, the HPLC analysis time is at least a full hour. Let us assume, the inter method correlation factor kb(PLC) / kb(HPLC) equals 1.05, so ka (PLC) = ka (HPLC) * 1.05 which results in ka(PLC) = 31.5. From this HPLC value we get the Rf value in linear PLC, which is according to k = 1/Rf - 1 ; Rf = 1 / (k+1) ; Thus Rf “a” = 1 / (32.5) = 0.031 That means, this substance “a” cannot be separated from the linear PLC start line, but at least we see “a” with high sensitivity hanging on the start line. Now we repeat the analysis of the substance containing “a” by circular PLC. As Rf (circular) equals the square root of Rf (linear), it follows Rf ”a” (µ-PLC) = SQU (0.031) = 0.176 This means: the substance “a” is just visibly separated from the focussed start circle and detectable with high sensitivity. The analysis time is a few minutes as compared to a full hour in HPLC on equal phases at equal temperature.
CONCLUSION: it is a good idea to check HPLC data with circular PLC, as all substances with a too high k-value are not well detectable in HPLC after a long elution time. Such substances may even ruin the HPLC packing but are not visible to the analyst. By circular PLC with a well selected pair of phases we see the late comers or NO-comers of HPLC with high sensitivity. There may be even a chance for separation, if Rf (circ.PLC) is not too small. If there are substances hanging at the start circle we can continue by multi separation with mobile phases of growing elution power by liquids which are not available for HPLC. Example: phenol. This compound never useable in HPLC has a great elution power for substances which cannot be separated by any HPLC procedure. The separation would need higher temperature however. µ-PLC can easily run on a heated ground board in case the cover glass plate is heated as well some tenth of degree centigrade above the ground board temperature. This way the author has also checked temperature programmed µ-PLC, but the cool down time is simply too long. Constant temperature µ-PLC is preferable.
Qualitative µ-PLC by Chemical Reactions Whilst MS coupling with HPTLC plates in linear mode is meanwhile entering practice and spectra analysis based on data from linear light scanners is standard in many large laboratories both modes for qualitative PLC analysis are surely not the procedure together with the highly economical µ-PLC. There are however very valuable information about specific and sensitive identification procedures by chemical reactions prior or post chromatography in German language:
H.Jork, W.Funk, W.Fischer, H.Wimmer: Duennschicht-Chromatographie, Reagenzien und Nachweismethoden, Band 1a (1989), 468 pages, and H.Jork, W.Funk, W.Fischer, H.Wimmer: Duennschicht-Chromatographie, Reagenzien und Nachweismethoden, Band 1b (1993), 499 pages probably still available through MERCK order number from E.Merck, Frankfurter Strasse 250, D-64293 Darmstadt (Germany), printed at Wiley-VCH-Verlag, Boschstrasse 12, D-69489 Weinheim (Germany).
A huge amount of data about specific PLC reactions for identification and improved detection is found through CAMAGs literature service CBS, see CCBS in this Internet book.